all postcodes in LD1 / KNIGHTON

find any address or company within the LD1 postcode district

Postcode Area

LD / Llandrindod Wells

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LD1 6AA 1 1 52.239763 -3.382675
LD1 6AB 74 7 52.23983 -3.381564
LD1 6AE 7 3 52.238099 -3.385025
LD1 6AF 4 0 52.240039 -3.384441
LD1 6AG 91 11 52.240758 -3.381432
LD1 6AH 22 2 52.241804 -3.382709
LD1 6AJ 1 0 52.24065 -3.38528
LD1 6AL 9 0 52.241117 -3.382248
LD1 6AN 56 1 52.242232 -3.382957
LD1 6AP 20 0 52.242015 -3.384649
LD1 6AQ 10 0 52.24258 -3.383216
LD1 6AR 8 0 52.240525 -3.38595
LD1 6AS 57 6 52.242355 -3.386329
LD1 6AT 20 0 52.239526 -3.383737
LD1 6AU 10 0 52.238586 -3.381877
LD1 6AW 1 1 52.243587 -3.384727
LD1 6AY 44 1 52.239078 -3.382024
LD1 6BA 26 0 52.240719 -3.383246
LD1 6BB 29 0 52.248493 -3.380368
LD1 6BD 16 0 52.24722 -3.381603